12 WordPress Plugins Developers Can’t Miss
Today’s technologically advanced world requires you to have a fast and efficient website for your audience to use conveniently. No one will check your page twice if they face problems while using it. To make your website convenient for potential customers, WordPress allows you to install different types of plugins that serve different purposes which help make your site functions more extensive or add new features to your pages. Services like Collectiveray provide related themes as well. These plugins are programmed to work smoothly with WordPress so you don’t have to waste time integrating them in detail.
In this blog, we talk about 12 WordPress Plugins (click this site to gather more information) that developers can’t miss. Have a look below and check what fits with your website’s needs.
1. Yoast SEO
Yoast SEO is the most preferred WordPress plugin for Search Engine Optimization worldwide. It has helped millions of companies in the world to get their website ranking to the top. Yoast believes in SEO for everyone, hence their plugin is useful for businesses who just started out to the industry’s big names.
A dedicated team of employees works hard to ensure every update is better than the previous one to make visitors and search engine spiders happy and satisfied. Content is king, and Yoast SEO knows it, so it provides you with readability and SEO analysis. The plugin’s premium version has a few extra benefits in store for you! Whether you own a business, a blog, or create content, with Yoast SEO’s advanced features, you will always be in good hands.
2. WP Mail SMTP
WP Mail Simple Mail Transfer Protocol makes email deliverability reliable by fixing your WordPress and reconfiguring it to send emails at the right time in the right inbox. SMTP is the industry-approved standard for sending mails by applying authenticity and reliability to the process.
Google, Office, etc are in a constant battle to stop spammers from reaching your inbox. When an email doesn’t have a proper location or authentication, it’s either never delivered or is sent to the spam folder. WordPress uses PHP to send emails, while WordPress’s hosting company servers aren’t configured to send PHP mails. When these two facts join together, email authentication becomes less prominent. The WP Mail SMTP plugin helps keep this prominence intact so that emails can reach your inbox properly.
The plugin ensures your emails are sent with SMTP host credentials or use an SMTP mail provider. The latter uses the provider’s API, meaning your mail is sent to the right place even with SMTP port blockers in place.
WP Mail SMTP has many SMTP setup options like SMTP.com, Pepipost SMTP, Mailgun SMTP, Amazon SES SMTP, etc. The plugin is a secure option to use to fix all your WordPress email sending problems.
3. Insert Headers and Footers
Insert Header & Footer is a plugin that lets you add code like that on Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics, without you having to edit your theme. The simple interface of the plugin allows you to add scripts rather than download several different plugins
It can be set -p quickly and allows you to insert Header or Footer codes like that of JavaScript, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, etc.
4. W3 Total Cache
W3TC improves your website performance by reducing load time and improving SEO and user experience by inducing the latest and best practices like Content Delivery Network. W3 Total Cache is trusted by billions of accounts to be the only plugin that can appropriately optimize your WordPress website.
When used with full configuration, W3TC can improve website performance by 10 times compared to its prior condition. The plugin also reduces load time, which results in increased time for visitors to spend on the page and discover more things. The plugin allows advanced features that result in improving website speed and traffic without you having to change how you present your content.
5. Smush Image Compression
A plugin that allows you to compress images without compromising on quality, Smush is the next best plugin meant for your WordPress website. Its compression algorithm will ensure page speed without you having to work a sweat. A back-to-back award-winning image compression plugin for WordPress, this tool can reduce the size of images without changing how they’re displayed.
The plugin can compress, optimize, resize, and shrink images and can even detect images that are slowing down your page. All of these are done without changing image quality or appearance; it’s also compatible with all your themes and data. The plugin uses Mail-Chimp to send subscription emails to the administrator of the site and doesn’t interact with the audience.
6. SSL
SSL is a simple plugin that detects your page settings to configure your website to run over https. The options on the plugin are minimal in order to keep it lightweight. The plugin is not a hard nut to crack, and with its premium update come even better benefits like the option to activate strict HTTP transport security, a mixed-content fixer for the back-end, premium support, and a lot more.
To run the plugin, all you have to do is get SSL certified, activate the plugin, and enable it with one touch. And then you’ll be all good to go!
7. Google Analytics
You can easily monitor, analyze, and measure engagement on your page with your Google Analytics plugin on WordPress. With the available dashboard, you can easily track Google Analytics reports through the same interface you’re using to create your content. The plugin makes it easier for you to shape your strategies with its options for you to view user trends, traffic sources of your website, and which pages of yours are being visited the most times.
With the availability of the mobile app, you can easily track your data from any device you have at hand. So create your Google Analytics account today and gain its benefits for your WordPress page.
8. Contact Form 7
With this plugin, you can easily manage multiple contact forms while also allowing you to easily edit mail content and customize the form. It supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, and so on. The plugin does not use cookies or forward user data to external servers. After activating certain features, the form’s submitter’s personal data including their IP address can be forwarded to the service provider.
Flamingo and Bogo are the two plugins recommended for those who already are or are just considering to use Contact Form 7.
9. WordFence Security
WordFence is a firewall and malware scanner made to protect WordPress for any kind of security threats. The threat defense feeds the plugin with the latest firewall rules to keep the website safe. Rounded by 2FA and additional features, it’s the most rounded and advanced WordPress security plugin available.
It’s designed to identify and block malicious threats, the Realtime IP blacklist blocks all IP addresses that are detected to be malicious, while an integrated malware scanner blocks content with malicious codes. The plugin offers a variety of more features and is a safe and efficient way of managing security for multiple sites in one place. It’s free to use for multiple sites.
10. Advanced Database Cleaner
This plugin is designed to delete spam and other unnecessary files and folders. If you’ve been using WordPress for some time now, you need to consider a database cleanup. This plugin features include deleting old posts, old edits, orphan metadata, spam comments, trash comments, trackbacks, expired transients, it also includes options to clean and delete scheduled tasks and a lot more.
The plugin is compatible with multisite installations. It only allows the admin to delete data and other information, the rest of the sites in the network can’t perform these tasks, for safety purposes. With this plugin, you will be able to overview your site data, remove excess files, and save time and space, all with relative ease.
11. WP-Optimize
WP-Optimize is an advanced plugin that ensures your site’s quality by cleaning your database, compressing images, and allows you to cache your pages for fast loading. Reports show that its cache feature alone can make WordPress sites faster than any other cache plugin available. The easy to use plugin is mobile friendly and convenient for your site.
Wp-Optimize cleans the database that allows you to clean the space taken by unnecessary files and make your site efficient and neat. It permits image compression without compromising on the resolution, and you can even get the images back in former shape through its data-keeping feature. The cache feature can Gzip compression can reduce site load time with ease. The premium feature is even more advanced and sophisticated to fit all your needs.
12. Custom Login Page Customizer
With this plugin, customizing your login page on WordPress becomes easier and convenient. Just click on Appearance > Custom Login Page Customizer to get started and make anything look the way you want! You can even add themes to go with your site. You even have the option to preview your login changes before saving them!
These are the most important WordPress tools and plugins that can help create your website easier to use, faster to run, and more convenient to drive traffic on. Get started on them today to make your site better for you and your audience.