Free Plagiarism Checkers: Turnitin Alternatives For Students

What does it mean to plagiarize?

To plagiarize means to steal somebody else’s work and pose it to be your own without acknowledging the person to whom it belongs. Whether you’re writing an essay, or a report based on some key findings, using information from third-party sources can make your work more authentic. Therefore, it’s important to know when you are using somebody else’s ideas as your own to avoid any controversy. Plagiarism checkers are available that help put a stop to this crime.

What are plagiarism checkers?

Plagiarism checker is mainly an online tool that helps you detect similar or copied text in almost everything like articles, journals and even website content. These tools are quite fast and efficient owing to the fact that they have multiple search mechanisms that help them sift through a multitude of private archives. Some of them even have access to those sites that are protected by passwords.

Need for free online plagiarism checkers

There are a variety of plagiarism checkers and Turnitin is one of them. It is very easy to use and allows the user to compare the submitted document with multiple sources, making it quite reliable. Turnitin may have a lot of benefits, but it isn’t free of charge. This urges users to find alternative tools that best suit their requirements. Most of the students look for free online plagiarism checkers to make sure their work is free of copied material, as at times it isn’t affordable for them to buy tools such as Turnitin.

If you are looking for free online plagiarism checkers, then worry not because you have come to the right place. I am about to introduce you to online plagiarism checkers that are free as well as efficient.

List of free online plagiarism checkers that are effective



Currently, it is known to be one of the most effective free plagiarism checkers present online. Whether you use it just once or on a daily basis, there is no requirement of paying for subscription. The interface is simple enough that you don’t need any prior knowledge of plagiarism detection tools to be able to run it. The only downside is that you can only check plagiarism once per day if you have not registered to their site.


Grammarly - Plagiarism Checkers

It is a great tool for checking plagiarism online for free. It lets you check unlimited words without causing any trouble. On top of that, it has added features that help alter and improve your text.



This free online plagiarism checker is utilized by over 140 countries. This tool is not just a plagiarism checker, it also functions as a grammar checker, and a proofreader for your text. The only issue with this tool is that it doesn’t allow you to save your plagiarism report.


Plagiarisma - Plagiarism Checkers

This tool is the most basic and easy to use. Students, teachers as well as various writers take advantage of this free plagiarism checker. The tool recognizes more than 190 languages, which means you can check almost any document for plagiarism. The flip side is that you can perform a limited amount of checks per day using this plagiarism checker.



It is another free tool that allows you to detect plagiarism in your text. It is an excellent alternative to Turnitin as it lets you check your document for plagiarism on multiple databases free of charge.

This concludes my list of free online plagiarism checkers that are good alternatives to Turnitin for students.

We live in times where technology has allowed us to have access to massive amounts of information. Ideas have started to seem so redundant that finding original concepts has become a rarity. It seems as if everybody is presenting other people’s ideas as their own. Although this concept isn’t new, people believe that nowadays it is happening more than ever. I think plagiarism checkers should be easily accessible to everybody so this problem can be conveniently handled.

Bushra Arif

A molecular geneticist who has a passion for photography. A part-time free baby sitter, whose one and only love is her niece.

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