Rebrands are a thing companies do when they’re bored with their identities. But saying that would be crude, so let’s rephrase. Rebranding is a crucial process in a brand’s growth process. It means that it has grown Read More

COVID-19 will go down in history as one of the largest eras of health and economic crisis. But during this pandemic, a lot of businesses have found new and innovative ways to create products while also factoring in the health Read More

Creating a marketing portfolio is a great way to highlight and showcase the work you’ve done as a marketer or creator. This won’t only make it easier for you to land more freelance contracts, but also it’ll Read More

Pakistan has some amazing original content creators who put out inspiring content out there, making the Pakistani social media space fun and enlightening at the same time. Coming from different backgrounds, these creators and influencers cover a variety of topics Read More

We live in the age of digital marketing, and given that fact, every brand and institution are optimizing their marketing strategy to get their voice and message heard across their audience. And this includes educational institutes. But even in this Read More

Every time you talk to Usama Ahmed, you’ll find him talking about strategy – what will set your product apart, how will it perform in the market, and why should people choose it instead of other alternatives available. This strategic Read More

In the increasingly developing world of social media, becoming an influencer is the new major trend, and everyone is getting on the bandwagon. Whether it be photography, writing, graphic designing or review blogging, anyone who has the knowledge of their Read More

A majority of the famous brands around the world are defined through their logo. The colors they use, the font they showcase, and the illustrations they design all combine together to make people recognize them even if their name isn’Read More

They might look small on paper, but logos hold a different kind of important for every brand. They’re what convey your brand’s message before your audience ever gets the chance to read it on their own. At times, Read More